Finish Line supports horses in all stages in life and understands life starts with the care of a broodmare. Proper care of a broodmare can help ensure the health of a foal and make sure things are going smoothly. In order to keep broodmares in great shape it is important to understand their individual needs and how they can benefit. We always stress to contact your veterinarian before making any adjustments to your program. We are striving to make your mare comfortable which is why we suggest U7 Gastric Aid. It is a a comprehensive gastric support supplement that works in the hind gut and foregut:

Want to make them feel special? Give them a bath with our Herbal Shampoo! Endorser, Anne Kursinski, has this to say about our shampoo: “It is the most wonderful shampoo we have ever used on our horses! You could use it every day and not dry out their coats! The coats come out super clean and glowing! If you ever have any skin irritations, the tea tree oil and aloe calm that.”

Make sure to give that special mare in your life some extra love this Mother’s Day!