ULTRA FIRE™ has the following benefits for your horse:
- Ultra Fire™ is an award-winning, multi-vitamin/multi-mineral supplement that promotes health in many systems of your horse including muscle, energy, hydration, blood and more! Contains 12 vitamins and 11 minerals/salts.
- It does NOT contain sugars, artificial colors or fillers and will NOT make your horse nervous
What horse owners say about Ultra Fire™

“I started my main barrel horse on Ultra Fire™ two months ago, and will keep him on it as long as I am running him! Within a week I noticed that he had more energy, but was not hot my first run was after he was on it for two weeks, and he sure did fire! I also noticed he cooled down much quicker after he ran. This is a great product that works and I am very happy with the results.” – Sarah from New York
Linda Kern –
LOL the name of this product can be deceiving. For the longest time, I thought it was to pep up a sluggish horse (and it will do that because the horse starts getting everything he needs), but for a nervous horse (which my friend owns), it has the opposite affect that the title states…it has calmed her horse down considerably and he seems to have a much more even keel to his personality. I feed it to my horse to make sure he gets all the vitamins and minerals his grain and hay do not provide, not to mention the amazing coat benefits (paired with Feet First, Coat 2nd). People think I am constantly brushing on Winston but I actually do not brush him as much as his coat says I do hahaha. This is such a great product and you will do a wonderful favor to your equine partner to put him on it.
Stephanie Malone –
I just picked up a bucket of this and Im excited to try it! I have had my mare on the total control plus for 3 months now and I and going to put my yearling on the ultra fire. I have be researching like crazy on feeding my horses as clean and/or organic as much as possible and after reading not only the active ingredients but the inactive ingredients I am very impressed with Finish Line! I will be keeping my heard on your products!