
The following web page contains opinions expressed by Finish Line® product users. These opinions are freely given by actual end-users of Finish Line® products and are not the opinions of Finish Line® Horse Products, Inc. Finish Line® never pays their endorsers and if you visit their barns you will see Finish Line® products in use.

Clinical Studies

Finish Line® Horse Products firmly believes in science to ensure the success of our products. Clinical studies are a foundation of our research and development and provide us the intel to guarantee our products. Clinical studies are important for discovering ways the product is intended to work and how it affects the animal in a positive manner. Clinical trials can show researchers what does and doesn’t work in horses that cannot be learned in the laboratory.

To read the Immunex™ study, please click here.

To view DR. MARK W. PHILLIPS, DVM U-7™ STUDY video, please click here.

To read DR. SCOTT MCCLURE EXPERIENCE WITH U-7™, please click here.

To read Dr. John E. Knowles, Jr with Air Power™ study, please click here. or here.

To read the study about Metabolic energy, please click here.


To view ENDORSER TESTIMONIALS, please click here.

To view CUSTOMER TESTIMONIALS, please click here.


To view VIDEOS, please click here.

If you would like to submit a testimonial to Finish Line®, please email info@finishlinehorse.com. Thank you