Horses have very sensitive digestion systems. Because of this, they require specific dietary accommodations. However, this doesn’t mean you can’t provide them with occasional treats. They are a great way to show your love for your animal. Here are some examples of treats that are safe to give your equine friend:Fruits and vegetables
When it comes to treating your horse, you can’t go wrong with healthy produce. Because these are close to foods that horses generally eat anyway, the chances of them upsetting your horse’s stomach are slim. But make sure you aren’t overfeeding them with treats. For an average-sized horse, one or two carrots is ideal. Feeding your horse too much can have a negative effect on its diet. Most fruits and vegetables are safe for your horse, but there are some you should avoid. Those include:
- Broccoli
- Cauliflower
- Tomatoes
- Peppers
- Raw potatoes
- Avocados
Sugar cubes
Sugar cubes are a traditional treat to feed horses. Although they are not very healthy, {dangling modifier. “sugar cubes” needs to go after the comma} you can treat your horse to one of these sparingly. If overdone, they can damage a horse’s insulin. However, the occasional cube won’t hurt your horse in the long run.

Homemade horse treats
Although commercial horse treats can be bought at the store, you go the extra mile for your equine friend by making your own. The ingredients are dependent on your horse. If you have an extra picky horse, opt for only two or three ingredients. Otherwise, throwing a bunch of different kinds of foods together can craft some of the best treats. Here are ingredients that you can mix together:
- Rolled or whole oats
- Whole wheat flour
- Apples
- Carrots
- Unsweetened apple sauce
- Brown Sugar
- Peanut butter
- Cinnamon
- Salt, or an electrolyte/mineral mix like Apple-A-Day™
- Coconut oil
First, preheat your oven to 350 degrees Fahrenheit. Next, use a mixer to combine all your ingredients. The desired consistency should be dough like. If your combination is too runny, add a little more flour and oats to harden it up. Form small balls (about 1 inch in diameter) with your hands. Place these on parchment paper on a baking rack. Make sure they’re not too close together because they will expand during the baking process and will mesh together. Then, bake the balls for about 20 to 25 minutes or until they are a golden shade. Be sure to let them fully cool off before feeding them to your horse. Pack them in a container with a lid so that they don’t get hard over time.
Note: Be sure to consult your vet before introducing new ingredients into your horse’s diet.