Margie Engle

Why do I use Finish Line®? Simple…because it’s the very best for my horses. Finish Line® Horse Products offers us easy to use, quality products. We love Air-Power™ cough remedy since it is all natural and won’t test. Kool-Out™ clay is the most creamy poultice we have ever used and Iron Power® Liquid blood builder is unbeatable.

Margie Engle is known as one of the most successful show jumping riders of all time. She has over 210 Grand Prix Wins and also has been on more than 20 winning Nations Cup teams. Engle has been named AGA Rider of the Year 10 times! At the 2000 Olympic Games in Sydney, Australia, Engle was the highest placed woman. Margie Engle continues to compete and break records. Her success can be explained through her hard work and determination. Margie Engle has used Finish Line®Horse Products for over 23 years!

Some Career Highlights:

  • 2017 WEF Grand Prix Champion
  • 1st RV Sales of Broward GP/Canaille
  • 190+ Grand Prix Wins
  • 10x AGA Rider of the Year
  • 1st Cleveland GP/Wapino
  • 2nd Cleveland GP/Oscar
  • 2nd WEG Selection Trial/Wapino
  • 1st WEG Selection Trials/Quervo Gold
  • 2nd WEF Nation’s Cup/Perrin
  • 2nd Aachen Nation’s Cup/Perrin

And many more!

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